Saturday, February 8, 2014

Pol Jarvinen at Gallery Lemonodo Oh (Bissorte)

These are first impressions of the new work in Gallery Lemonodo Oh now located on mainland waterfront in Bissorte.  It appears to be two phantom tunnels (galleries) of constantly shifting transparent textures, one on on the main gallery level in the sky and the other on the roof terrace directly above.  Repeat visitors will recognize a frequent character in Pol's works, a woman in teal, who serves as onlooker, witness and guide, and perhaps recall some of the textures as well.  It makes little sense to put into words the impressions these works make, except to say they are provocative.  Photographs of previous works for Second Pride and the former location of the gallery in Dimitrios are archived on this blog and are on display in the library located on the water.